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Scott® Brand

Scott® 1000

  • Smaller grey and white right arrow Smaller grey and white right arrow Grey and white right arrow

    Why is it called Scott® 1000?

    Scott® 1000 toilet paper has 1,000 Septic Safe sheets per roll that has been getting the job done since 1913.

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    In 1913, Scott® paper companies was renamed Scott® tissue, marking the beginning of Scott® Brands.

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  • Smaller grey and white right arrow Smaller grey and white right arrow Grey and white right arrow

    Has Scott®1000 changed its product?

    No.  The Scott® 1000 tissue recipe has been the same since 1913.  Due-to popularity of Scott® 1000, it is produced in different locations using different technologies which creates different Scott® 1000 toilet paper patterns on the sheet depending on which region in the U.S. you buy.

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  • Smaller grey and white right arrow Smaller grey and white right arrow Grey and white right arrow

    Why is Scott®1000 toilet paper so thin?

    Scott® 1000 toilet paper is purposefully crafted to give you exactly what you need to get the job done – and that’s giving you long-lasting rolls that flush easily and break-down fast in septic/sewer systems.  Scott® 1000 has 1,000 sheets per roll that are 100% Septic Safe, Clog-Free and 100% Biodegradable.

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Scott® Rapid Dissolving

Scott® Towels